News from Babati

Progress - August 2014

We have extracted a few key current actions from our on-going rolling programmes that happened this month which we thought may be of particularly interested to you.


  • Grass roots development is key to long term sustainability so we were delighted when a team of students from Waangwaray primary school asked for assistance in setting up an enterprise. We have agreed on the basis that we first develop a series of lesson plans, as part of our after school club, to assist them examine how businesses work and how to write a successful business plan. Watch this space to see how they progress.
  • The community loans agreement is agreed and signed and the funds are now available
  • The Waangwaray CBO are making good but slow progress with their soap and batik products. 


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  • The preparations are under way for the volunteers from Silcoates School who are coming out to Babati in October to help complete the special needs classroom.
  • The students who benefit from the hardship fund established by LTT for the poorest families who cannot afford to contribute to the school meals programme have completed the planting out a new garden just for them and 12 banana trees have been planted for them.
  • Sawe community loans are nearly ready, just 8 left to review


  • A sample survey of 5 farmers who had received agricultural training from LTT all have harvested maize beyond their expectations. 
  • The well is being dredged and deepened to improve the water security at the school, the pump is being serviced at the moment.
  • Chickens have been invading parts of the student’s market garden and have caused quite some damage. The owners have been held responsible and must take greater care of their chickens
  • Preparations are under way to for the volunteers from Leighton Park School who are coming out to Babati in October to help establish a library and a cow shed for the biogas project that is soon to begin 

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