Sawe Primary School Progress - December 2021

In May 2017, a gaggle of children sat on the wall of the 3 classrooms which the community had started to build.

None could have imagined in their wildest dreams that 4 and a half years later there would be 9 classrooms, offices for teachers and the head teacher, a kitchen with store room and gender sensitive and separated toilets for students and teachers alike. AMAZING PROGRESS.

Each classroom has sufficient desks and books, and all teachers have their own table and chair in the staff room.

The school is connected to the town's water supply but also has the capacity to store 85,000 litres of rainwater.

This school has been built in a true partnership with the community who have been fully engaged in every single step and built all the buildings to head height with materials they have provided.

In 2022 we will be actively looking for partners to help build the next two classrooms so that the next cohort can arrive at this growing school

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