Transformational Training

When K & N went to University they had aspirations of getting good jobs in an office, but getting jobs is extraordinarily difficult. Instead they returned home to the family and started to grow tomatoes as a cash crop on a quarter of an acre. With no expertise they did not do well, but when their mother, a teacher at a school where LTT has worked, told them we also provide agricultural training on tomatoes, they get in touch. It was a connection they have never regretted .

2 years on they have nearly 3 acres of tomatoes, all beautifully managed, with drip irrigation fed from water from Lake Babati. They have a green house for young plants to grow, they employ 20 local people at harvest time to pick and package the tomatoes and they have supply chain directly to the market in Dodoma.

With the profits they intend to expand the business to 5 acres and have already bought land to build their own homes. They are working very hard on the land and the income is their reward.

Asked what is the difference between them and their parents who are also farmers, they said they have knowledge which their parents did not have. Their knowledge, gained from LTT, has been truly transformational. Asked if they would go back to follow their early career options, they both said NO. They are their own bosses and their destiny is in their own hands.

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